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# Install required packages

If using wingen, please cite the following: Bishop A.P., Chambers E.A., Wang I.J. (2023) Generating continuous maps of genetic diversity using moving windows. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI:

wingen is a package that uses a moving window approach to create continuous maps of genetic diversity. Please see Bishop et al. 2023 for the paper describing the method, and refer to the wingen package for further documentation.

Briefly, wingen takes in genetic data (in the form of a vcf), sampling coordinates, and a raster of a given study area. wingen then moves a window (of a user-specified size) across the landscape, and calculates genetic diversity for any samples that fall within this window. The focal cell (the size of which is determined by the raster layer inputted) is then assigned this resulting genetic diversity value, and the window continues sliding across the landscape. Users are able to specify not only window size, but can also aggregate cells to increase map continuity and decrease computational time, and can perform rarefaction of samples such that uneven sampling does not bias calculations. The resulting wingen map can be smoothed using kriging, and any areas that were undersampled (or fall outside an area of interest, such as a species range, for example) are masked.

There are five key functions within wingen:

  • preview_gd() provides a reference point for what the window and focal cell look like relative to the landscape; this function also allows users to visualize the sample count in each cell given the parameters

  • window_gd() to create a map of genetic diversity

  • krig_gd() for spatial interpolation (smoothing) of the resulting map using kriging

  • mask_gd() to mask out any undersampled areas (or areas that are not of interest)

  • plot_gd() to plot resulting genetic diversity map and plot_count() to plot the resulting sample count map

Note: Coordinates and rasters used in wingen should be in a projected (planar) coordinate system such that raster cells are of equal sizes. Therefore, spherical systems (including latitude-longitude coordinate systems) should be projected prior to use. An example of how this can be accomplished is shown below. If no CRS is provided, a warning will be given and wingen will assume the data are provided in a projected system. Please refer to the wingen vignette for further information.

Read in and process input data

wingen requires a vcf, sampling coordinates, and a raster layer upon which to move the sliding window across.

#> ---------------- example dataset ----------------
#> Objects loaded: 
#> *liz_vcf* vcfR object (1000 loci x 53 samples) 
#> *liz_gendist* genetic distance matrix (Plink Distance) 
#> *liz_coords* dataframe with x and y coordinates 
#> *CA_env* RasterStack with example environmental layers 
#> -------------------------------------------------

Coordinates and rasters used in wingen should be in a projected (planar) coordinate system such that raster cells are of equal sizes. Therefore, spherical systems (including latitude-longitude coordinate systems) should be projected prior to use. An example of how this can be accomplished is shown below. If no CRS is provided, a warning will be given. Here we reproject our latitude-longitude coordinates to an equal-area projection for California.

# First, we reformat our dataframe of coordinates into sf coordinates
coords_longlat <- st_as_sf(liz_coords, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = "+proj=longlat")

# Next, the coordinates and raster can be projected to an equal area projection, in this case NAD83 / California Albers (EPSG 3310)
coords_proj <- st_transform(coords_longlat, crs = 3310)

We’ll also want the shape of California for subsequent plotting, so we’ll save one of the environmental PC layers as a SpatRaster object for this purpose and reproject to the same coordinate reference system as the coordinates.

envlayer <- rast(CA_env[[1]])

# Aggregate the layer so plotting is a bit faster
envlayer <- aggregate(envlayer, 5)

# Reproject to same crs as the projected coordinates
envlayer <- project(envlayer, crs(coords_proj))

Generate raster layer for sliding window

Although we can use one of the PCs within our CA_env object as a raster for wingen, the resolution of those layers is unnecessarily high given our sampling localities, and running wingen (particularly the kriging step) will take a very long time. To remedy this, we can generate a raster layer using the coords_to_raster() function in algatr by providing our sampling coordinates. Using this function, we can specify the resolution of our raster with the res argument. Here we choose a very low resolution (i.e., large cells) of 50 km to make processing time faster. Note that the resolution units depend on the coordinate reference system.

liz_lyr <- coords_to_raster(coords_proj, res = 50000, buffer = 5, plot = TRUE)

Moving window calculations using preview_gd() and window_gd()

The window_gd() function takes in a vcf file (the vcf argument), sampling coordinates (coords argument), and a RasterLayer for the window to move across (the lyr argument), and the genetic diversity summary statistic to calculate (the stat argument); choices are allelic richness ("allelic.richness" or "biallelic.richness"), nucleotide diversity ("pi"), or average heterozygosity ("Ho"). For more options for file types and statistics see the original wingen vignette.

There are a number of additional arguments within this function, and the wingen package documentation provides extensive explanations (and guidelines for testing) these parameters. Briefly, fact aggregates the input raster layer (by a given factor), wdim specifies the window dimensions, rarify specifies whether the user would like samples to be rarified (which then requires users to specify rarify_n and rarify_nit), and finally parallel specifies whether you would like to parallelize.

Preview the moving window

First, we can get an idea of what the size of the cell and moving window look like using the preview_gd() function. We want adjust the window size (using the wdim argument) to ensure (to some extent) that our window size is capturing samples as it slides across the landscape. Ideally, wdim should be set with the study system in mind (e.g., the dispersal distance or neighborhood size of the species). We will also specify that genetic diversity only be calculated for windows that contain at least two samples (min_n). This function produces a plot that allows us to visualize the size of our window compared to the raster layer and sampling coordinates. The function also returns a sample count raster map where the value of each cell is how many samples will be included in each cell’s calculation (to stop this raster from being produced set sample_count = FALSE).

sample_count <- preview_gd(liz_lyr, coords_proj, wdim = 3, fact = 0)

# Visualize the sample count layer

Run the moving window

Next, let’s run the moving window function (window_gd()) using the parameters specified above, calculating nucleotide diversity (stat = "pi") as our diversity metric. For simplicity’s sake, we will not perform rarefaction of our samples (rarify = FALSE, which is the default).

wgd <- window_gd(liz_vcf,
  stat = "pi",
  wdim = 3,
  fact = 0
#> Loading required package: vcfR
#>    *****       ***   vcfR   ***       *****
#>    This is vcfR 1.15.0 
#>      browseVignettes('vcfR') # Documentation
#>      citation('vcfR') # Citation
#>    *****       *****      *****       *****
#> Loading required namespace: adegenet

Visualizing wingen results

Plot wingen results with ggplot_gd() and ggplot_count()

wingen allows for plotting maps in two ways: ggplot_gd() plots the genetic diversity layer, while ggplot_count() plots the sample count layer. We can also provide a background map using the bkg argument. You can produce base R plots using plot_gd() and plot_count()

# Plot map of pi
ggplot_gd(wgd, bkg = envlayer) + ggtitle("Moving window pi")

# Plot sample count map
ggplot_count(wgd) + ggtitle("Sample count")

Krige results

Kriging is a type of spatial interpolation that uses a spatial model to provide estimates of genetic diversity from unsampled locations; in the cae of wingen, it also allows for smoother maps of genetic diversity. We can krige our moving window map using the krig_gd() function by providing the results from the moving window, and a raster layer upon which kriging is performed (an “interpolation grid”); if no interpolation grid is provided, kriging will be done on the moving window layer. The index argument specifies which layer we want to krige across; in our case, we’ll krige both layers 1 (genetic diversity) and 2 (sample counts) of the wgd object because we will eventually want to visualize both kriged maps. Kriging can be computationally intensive, but we can remedy this by aggregating the raster layer upon which kriging is performed using either the agg_r or agg_grd arguments depending on whether we want to aggregate across the moving window layer or the interpolation grid layer, respectively. In our case, given the resolution of lyr, we want to disaggregate by a factor of 5 to get a smoother interpolated surface, so we’ll set disagg_grd = 5. If only the moving window layer is provided for kriging, we can use the disagg_r argument to set this parameter.

The resulting object, kgd, is a RasterStack object containing two layers: our genetic diversity statistic (pi), and our sample count information (sample_count).

kgd <- krig_gd(wgd, index = 1:2, liz_lyr, disagg_grd = 5)
#> [using ordinary kriging]
#> [using ordinary kriging]
#>        pi           sample_count    
#>  Min.   :0.02683   Min.   : 0.0000  
#>  1st Qu.:0.06456   1st Qu.: 0.0000  
#>  Median :0.06497   Median : 0.0000  
#>  Mean   :0.06497   Mean   : 0.6904  
#>  3rd Qu.:0.06499   3rd Qu.: 0.6261  
#>  Max.   :0.11302   Max.   :10.0000

Let’s look at the plots for the kriged results, and let’s avoid including the background shape for now (i.e., no bkg argument). Note that the overall shape of this kriged map is rectangular because of the lyr raster shape.

# Plot kriged map of pi
ggplot_gd(kgd) + ggtitle("Kriged pi")

# Plot kriged sample count map
ggplot_count(kgd) + ggtitle("Kriged sample counts")

Mask using sample counts

Finally, we may want to mask out any areas that we’re not interested in using the mask_gd() function. wingen provides several ways to perform masking, but we will focus on two for this vignette. The mask_gd() function is quite simple in that it takes in the layer you want masked (kgd, in our case) and the layer you want to mask to. Let’s first mask areas based on sample count. Recall that above, we called krig_gd() using indices 1 and 2, which told wingen to krige on both the genetic diversity (pi) and sample count layers. We’ll make use of the kriged sample count layer now by masking according to it. The minval argument specifies the minimum value below which areas will be masked, meaning that any areas that do not contain any samples will be masked. Let’s compare two maps masked in this way with differing minval values.

As you can see, more areas are masked as we increase minval.

mgd_1 <- mask_gd(kgd, kgd[["sample_count"]], minval = 1)
mgd_2 <- mask_gd(kgd, kgd[["sample_count"]], minval = 2)

ggplot_gd(mgd_1, bkg = envlayer) + ggtitle("Kriged & masked pi")

ggplot_gd(mgd_2, bkg = envlayer) + ggtitle("Kriged & masked pi")

Mask using state boundaries

Next, let’s mask out any areas outside of California state boundaries using our envlayer object.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you are masking using a raster, you need to ensure that pixels match between the object to be masked and the object to use as a mask. If they aren’t the same, or if their extents are different, you will either get an error or the map will look wonky. To remedy this, we can use terra’s resample() function. This function will resample a raster (here, envlayer) based on an inputted raster (here, mgd_1).

# Resample envlayer based on masked layer
r <- terra::resample(envlayer, mgd_1)

# Perform masking
mgd <- mask_gd(mgd_1, r)

# Plot masked map
ggplot_gd(mgd, bkg = envlayer) + ggtitle("Kriged & masked pi")

Running wingen with wingen_do_everything()

The algatr package also has an option to run all of the above functionality in a single function, wingen_do_everything(). If you want to take a look at the preview first, you can set preview = TRUE; to krige, set kriged = TRUE, and to mask, set masked = TRUE. If preview is set to TRUE, the preview plot will be printed and a user can enter into the console whether they would like to continue the wingen run with existing parameter settings, or else halt the run. Please be aware that the do_everything() functions are meant to be exploratory. We do not recommend their use for final analyses unless certain they are properly parameterized.

WARNING: Many wingen arguments are excluded from wingen_do_everything() to reduce the number of arguments in the function. Thus, we strongly advise against using this function for actual analyses and encourage users to explore and test the individual wingen functions given their datasets.

Below, we’ll run wingen with the following:

  • No preview generated before running wingen (preview = FALSE)

  • Window size of 3x3 (wdim = 3), no aggregation factor for moving window (fact = 0)

  • Pi as our genetic diversity statistic (stat = "pi"); this is also the default

  • No rarefaction (rarify = FALSE)

  • Kriging (of both genetic diversity and sample count layers; kriged = TRUE and index = 1:2) with a disaggregation factor of 4 for kriging (disagg_grd = 4)

  • Masking to California state boundaries (mask = envlayer)

  • Plot kriged and masked sample count (plot_count = TRUE)

results <- wingen_do_everything(
  gen = liz_vcf,
  lyr = liz_lyr,
  coords = coords_proj,
  wdim = 3,
  fact = 0,
  sample_count = TRUE,
  preview = FALSE,
  min_n = 2,
  stat = "pi",
  rarify = FALSE,
  kriged = TRUE,
  grd = liz_lyr,
  index = 1:2,
  agg_grd = NULL, disagg_grd = 4,
  agg_r = NULL, disagg_r = NULL,
  masked = TRUE, mask = envlayer,
  bkg = envlayer, plot_count = TRUE
#> Please be aware: the do_everything functions are meant to be exploratory. We do not recommend their use for final analyses unless certain they are properly parameterized.

Additional documentation and citations

Citation/URL Details
Manuscript with method Bishop et al. 2023 Paper describing wingen methodology and package
R package documentation Available on Github Code, vignette

Retrieve wingen’s vignette:

# vignette("wingen-vignette")