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LFMM function to do everything


  coords = NULL,
  impute = "structure",
  K_impute = 3,
  entropy = TRUE,
  repetitions = 10,
  project = "new",
  quiet_impute = TRUE,
  save_output = FALSE,
  output_filename = NULL,
  K = NULL,
  lfmm_method = "ridge",
  K_selection = "tracy_widom",
  Kvals = 1:10,
  sig = 0.05,
  p_adj = "fdr",
  calibrate = "gif",
  criticalpoint = 2.0234,
  low = 0.08,
  max.pc = 0.9,
  perc.pca = 90,
  max.n.clust = 10,
  quiet = FALSE



genotype dosage matrix (rows = individuals & columns = SNPs) or vcfR object


dataframe with environmental data or a Raster* type object from which environmental values for the coordinates can be extracted


dataframe with coordinates (only needed if K selection is performed with TESS or if environmental values are not provided)


if NAs in gen, imputation will be performed on missing values; options are "structure" which uses the str_impute() function to impute based on population structure inferred with LEA::snmf (default); other option is "simple" based on simple_impute() which imputes to the median


if impute = "structure", an integer vector (range or single value) corresponding to the number of ancestral populations for which the sNMF algorithm estimates have to be calculated (defaults to 3)


A boolean value. If true, the cross-entropy criterion is calculated (see create.dataset and cross.entropy.estimation).


An integer corresponding with the number of repetitions for each value of K.


A character string among "continue", "new", and "force". If "continue", the results are stored in the current project. If "new", the current project is removed and a new one is created to store the result. If "force", the results are stored in the current project even if the input file has been modified since the creation of the project.


if impute = "structure", whether to suppress the results of cross-entropy scores (defaults to TRUE; only does so if K is range of values); only displays run with minimum cross-entropy


if impute = "structure", if TRUE, saves SNP GDS and ped (plink) files with retained SNPs in new directory; if FALSE returns object (defaults to FALSE)


if impute = "structure" and save_output = TRUE, name prefix for saved .geno file, SNMF project file, and SNMF output file results (defaults to FALSE, in which no files are saved)


number of latent factors (if left as NULL (default), K value selection will be conducted)


lfmm method (either "ridge" (default) or "lasso")


method for performing k selection (can either by "tracy_widom" (default), "quick_elbow", "tess", or "find_clusters")


values of K to test for "tess"


alpha level for determining candidate SNPs (defaults to 0.05)


method to use for p-value correction (defaults to "fdr"); other options can be found in p.adjust


a character string, "gif" or "median+MAD". If the "gif" option is set (default), significance values are calibrated by using the genomic control method. Genomic control uses a robust estimate of the variance of z-scores called "genomic inflation factor". If the "median+MAD" option is set, the pvalues are calibrated by computing the median and MAD of the zscores. If NULL, the pvalues are not calibrated.


if K_selection = "tracy_widom", a numeric value corresponding to the significance level. If the significance level is 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, or 0.001, the criticalpoint should be set to be 0.9793, 2.0234, 2.4224, or 3.2724, respectively (defaults to 2.0234)


if K_selection = "quick_elbow", numeric, between zero and one, the threshold that defines whether a principal component explains 'much' of the variance (defaults to 0.08).


if K_selection = "quick_elbow", maximum percentage of the variance to capture before the elbow (cumulative sum to PC 'n'; defaults to 0.90).


if K_selection = "find_clusters", a numeric value between 0 and 100 indicating the minimal percentage of the total variance of the data to be expressed by the retained axes of PCA (defaults to 90).


if K_selection = "find_clusters", an integer indicating the maximum number of clusters to try. Values of 'k' will be picked up between 1 and max.n.clust (defaults to 10)


whether to operate quietly and suppress the output of tables and figures (defaults to FALSE)


list with candidate SNPs, model results, and K-value


LFMM is run using the lfmm package: Jumentier, B. (2021). lfmm: Latent Factor Mixed Models. R package version 1.1. See also: Caye, K., Jumentier, B., Lepeule, J., & François, O. (2019). LFMM 2: Fast and accurate inference of gene-environment associations in genome-wide studies. Mol. Biol. Evol. 36(4):852-860. doi:

See also